24135 Gibson Drive, Warren MI 48089,
Phone 586 755-7220; Fax: 586 755-0638

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drag out system

segment grade info.



Norton style Chucks


duramic building

You will find Duramic Segments & Abrasive Products to be your complete source for all of your segment abrasive needs

We endeavor to give our customers (no matter how large or small),

the best product, at the best price, with the best delivery in the industry

Don't be fooled by the others. Come to the source. The Original, The One and only
Duramic Abrasive Grinding Segments.

We have the know how and expertise to get the job done!!


Since 1963, Duramic has been servicing the rotary surface grinding industry,and has developed an international market reach, as a single source for complete segmental grinding needs

Don't convert Grades!! Buy the original


Segment Products

More products

Cortland and Norton style segment holders, Drag out Systems, Boat Stones,& Markal paint sticks.

for information on these products please contact us


© Duramic Segments and Abrasive Products!"®An American Company

UPDATED 7/11/2018